What is the "all the way" ecological environmental protection? There are also large data platforms for existing sewage treatment demonstrations.

release time:2021-08-10 15:41 Classification:Industry News Views:947Secondary

Existing environmental convention compliance exchange cooperation、Interconnection greening research、Demonstration of sewage treatment along the industrial park,There are also biological diversity protection corridor construction demonstrations、Circular environment logo,Especially the construction of the ecological environmental data service platform、Ecological environment monitoring and early warning system construction。

News from Xinhua News Agency,5Month14Day,President Xi Jinping attended in Beijing“All the way”International Cooperation Summit Forum Opening,And issue questions《Join hands up“All the way”Build》Total speech。Speech emphasizes the new idea to practice green development,Advocate green、Low carbon、Circulation、Sustainable production lifestyle,Strengthen ecological environmental cooperation,Building an ecological civilization,Common implementation2030Year Sustainable Development Goals;at the same time,Eco-environmental data service platform will be established,Initiative“All the way”Green Development International Alliance,And to provide assistance for climate change in relevant countries。

The first financial reporter learned from the Ministry of Environmental Protection,The minister has been introduced《“All the way”Ecological environmental protection cooperation plan》(Hereafter《planning》)。《planning》propose,arrive2025year,Promoting the integration of ecological civilization and green development concept“All the way”Build,Consolidate the basics of ecological environmental cooperation,Form a good pattern of ecological environmental cooperation;arrive2030year,Push implementation2030Sustainable Development Agenda Environmental Goal,Deepen the field of ecological environmental cooperation,Comprehensively improve the level of ecological environmental protection cooperation。

《planning》Determine,Cooperation with six major economic corridors,Further improve the construction of the ecological environmental cooperation platform,Improve personnel exchange;Develop a series of ecological environmental cooperative support policies,Strengthen ecological environmental information support;Railway、Power and other key areas establish a batch of high quality production capacity green brands;A batch of green financial instruments for investment trade projects,Fund presentation to environmentally friendly industrial flow trends;Build a group of environmental industrial cooperation demonstration bases、Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Base、Technical Demonstration Promotion Base and Science and Technology Cooperation Platform。

Ministry of Environmental Protection,future,In-depth expansion in environmental pollution control、Ecological Protection、Nuclear and radiation safety、Cooperation between key areas such as ecological environmental protection technology innovation,green“All the way”Construction benefits along the country,Eco-environmental service、support、Comprehensive protection capacity,Build green、Prosperity and friendship“All the way”。

The first financial reporter learned from the Ministry of Environmental Protection,In terms of specific projects,Only major projects involve25A,Including policy communication6A,Facilities Unicom4A,Trade smooth class3A,Category2A,People's hearts4A,Ability building6A。

Specific items include“All the way”Demonstration of biodiversity protection corridor、Hazardous waste management and import and export supervision cooperation、“All the way”Circular environment logo、Green Supply Chain Management Pilot Demonstration、Green investment financing research、green“All the way”Fund research,江—Mekong River Environment Cooperation Platform、China-Cambodian environmental cooperation base、“All the way”Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center(Shenzhen)、China-ASEAN environmental technology and industrial cooperation demonstration base, etc.。

“Be‘All the way’Construction becomes an eco-environmental highway。”Ministry of Environmental Protection China-Deputy Director of the ASEAN Environmental Protection Cooperation Center、Researchers Zhou Guimei said,“All the way”Multi-wire is developing countries and emerging economies,Ecological environment complex,Economic development has high dependence on resources,Generally face industrialization、The contradiction between the development and protection of urbanization。Ecological environment is a service、support、Guarantee“All the way”Building an important part of sustainable promotion。

Zhou Guomei believes,“All the way”Construction contains major green development potential。“All the way”And Asian Investment Banks and other innovative financial mechanisms pay attention to green development philosophy,Green infrastructure construction will be promoted。By building a regional environmental technology and industrial cooperation platform,Promote the formation area green supply chain and green product market。

“green“All the way”Construction is a complex system engineering,Never60Ecological environment protection in multiple countries,Also closely related to environmental protection in China。”Zhou Guoyi said,It is because of its characteristics of two overall overall overalls.,“All the way”Construction has transcended the traditional scope of development cooperation,Rising to a height that drives domestic governance and global governance。Via green“All the way”Build,The new situation will promote environmental cooperation South-South cooperation and north-south cooperation,Accelerate the formation along the ecological environmental highway,Promote regional and global development。

In“All the way”Ecological environmental protection,More opportunities for companies。《planning》propose,Governing the role of corporate environmental governance,Guide enterprises to develop low-carbon、Energy saving、Environmentally friendly materials and technology,Promoting circular utilization,Decrease in production、Production and discharge of contaminants during service and product use。Railway、electricity、Car、Communicate、new energy、Steel and other industries,Establish high quality production capacity green brands。

at the same time,Promote green traffic、Green Building、Environmental standards and practices in green energy and other industries,Improve infrastructure operation、Greening during management and maintenance、Low carbonization level。Promote environmental products and service trade facilitation,And increase support,Promote green funds。Exploration“All the way”Green Development Fund。Promote the establishment of specialized resource development and environmental protection funds,Focus on supporting national ecological environmental infrastructure、Capability construction and green industry development project。(source:Arctic Star Environmental Network)

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